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Emergent & Regenerative Design Community of Practice

Do you feel your working practice needs to evolve? Are you seeking to bring a deeper connection with nature and the wisdom of our ancestors into the way you work? Would you like to explore ways of building systemic and regenerative practices into your design, digital or innovation projects, and to practically make a difference in your daily life and local community?

If so, would you like to help launch a community of like minded people?

What to expect

  • Exploring and developing planetary design tools and methods

  • Building a deeper connection to nature

  • Self-organising and peer to peer

  • Sharing in a safe context, in order to develop learning and practice

  • Personal exploration

The community will meet online every two months for 1.5 hours, our first 2 dates are:

November 7th at 7.00pm - 8.30pm

January 16th at 7.00pm - 8.30pm

Express your interest in joining the Emergent Design Community of Practice by signing up here

Please share with anyone you think may be interested.

Why are we doing this?

It’s often hard to learn new ways and unlearn old ways but by connecting to others on a similar path we can generate affirmation and inspiration. Courage is required to explore new ways of creating change, and we hope this community can help us all to find that courage.

“Our old tools and mindsets are not fit for purpose any more; instead we need to be accessing different ways of being and knowing. My hope from initiating this community is that we can come together to inspire and support each other. Systems theory tells us that by connecting individual points in an emerging system we create islands of coherence that can form a tipping point for change, so let’s join together in community, strengthen those bonds and generate the real change that is needed right now.” - Nat Hunter

“There has been a deep inner knowing inside of me for some time now, that has been dancing around the edges of bringing ancient wisdom and practices many call ‘woowoo’, to the front of my personal design practice, rather than just behind closed doors. This takes bravery. My wish for this community is to grow and share emergent and regenerative design thinking, doing and being.” - Deborah Szebeko

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