We make things happen by taking a creative & people-centred approach to designing solutions that make a positive difference in the world
We make things happen by taking a creative & people-centred approach to designing solutions that make a positive difference in the world
We make things happen by taking a creative & people-centred approach to designing solutions that make a positive difference in the world

Designing a national dementia signposting service

The Client Alzheimer's Society
The Challenge
To engage people with dementia and their carers to identify opportunities for improving the lives of those living with dementia.
Our approach
We used a range of creative engagement and ethnographic techniques to deeply understand people’s daily challenges alongside a series of co-design workshops involving over 500 people, which identified six key strategic opportunities.
The Outcome
Leading to the co-design and launch of The Dementia Advisor Service across the UK, a service that supports people post-diagnosis to plan their care and live well with dementia.
"thinkpublic's approach to engaging people is an inspiration to everyone working in healthcare. The thoughtfulness of their approach meant that the engagement was meaningful and central to the service design and has helped to move ideas into a national dementia signposting service."
Julia Ashley - Alzheimer's Society